Friday, September 14, 2012

New Information about V4L and Eversmoke

Hi Again,

I have changed up some things with the Vapor4Life products -  I tried the smaller 3.5ml tank and LOVE IT Soooo Much more than the 6ml (bigger tank).  I was having some difficulty with the big tank after a while (it seemed to lose power and flavor) and the shear size of it is okay for home, but not so much when going out.  I really like the sleekness of the smaller tank and it always tastes fresh.  They don't sell my favorite flavor anymore but still have many different "mint" flavors that I like.  As I said before - I will mix two flavors to get a great tasting cig.  I will mix spearmint or wintergreen with WOW peppermint to give it a boost or add another menthol flavor to perk up a weaker flavor.  If I just want a great smooth taste, I'll just use one or the other.  This is a lot of trial and error and you can't send the e-liquids back, so you just have to bite it, if you don't like it. 

I used to smoke Salem Slim Lights 100's, the flavors that I buy steady are:
WOW Peppermint, Wintergreen and Spearmint.  I also like to add Mint Nobacco juice and Cool Nobacco juice for a little kick.  Now, this company will really work with you!  My last order was in April, 2012 and I got an email from one of the reps. who said he would be MY rep. for all of my needs.  I emailed back about the fact that I only have automatic batteries and would like to get the manual to see if they would work better.  We sent emails back and forth a few times and then he called and I decided to try again.  He worked out an amazing deal for me, so I am going to give them another "go-round".  I'll report back once I get them and try again.  I can say without a doubt their menthol and peppermint flavors are THE BEST I have tried.  When I started tying out the V4L flavors - my standard was to see how close I could get to the Eversmoke flavors, THAT'S how great they are!  Eversmoke flavor certainly set the bar for me.

I'll check back in soon, but as always.....
AND... Let all of the people around you know that you are doing it!  It really makes it easier when you have people who will give you encouragement and support while you are taking this difficult step.  Honestly, this was difficult at first (because the ones I started with were awful) it was only until I found the two brands that I think are excellent that this became so darn easy for me now.  I have tested out so many YUK brands so that you don't have to.  As I have stated in the past, I am doing this on my own, and am paying my way through it so I can give some decent advice to any "newbies".   I did it for myself, but then I thought others could benefit from my mishaps and non-starters along the way.


All My Best and Good Luck :)