Friday, September 14, 2012

New Information about V4L and Eversmoke

Hi Again,

I have changed up some things with the Vapor4Life products -  I tried the smaller 3.5ml tank and LOVE IT Soooo Much more than the 6ml (bigger tank).  I was having some difficulty with the big tank after a while (it seemed to lose power and flavor) and the shear size of it is okay for home, but not so much when going out.  I really like the sleekness of the smaller tank and it always tastes fresh.  They don't sell my favorite flavor anymore but still have many different "mint" flavors that I like.  As I said before - I will mix two flavors to get a great tasting cig.  I will mix spearmint or wintergreen with WOW peppermint to give it a boost or add another menthol flavor to perk up a weaker flavor.  If I just want a great smooth taste, I'll just use one or the other.  This is a lot of trial and error and you can't send the e-liquids back, so you just have to bite it, if you don't like it. 

I used to smoke Salem Slim Lights 100's, the flavors that I buy steady are:
WOW Peppermint, Wintergreen and Spearmint.  I also like to add Mint Nobacco juice and Cool Nobacco juice for a little kick.  Now, this company will really work with you!  My last order was in April, 2012 and I got an email from one of the reps. who said he would be MY rep. for all of my needs.  I emailed back about the fact that I only have automatic batteries and would like to get the manual to see if they would work better.  We sent emails back and forth a few times and then he called and I decided to try again.  He worked out an amazing deal for me, so I am going to give them another "go-round".  I'll report back once I get them and try again.  I can say without a doubt their menthol and peppermint flavors are THE BEST I have tried.  When I started tying out the V4L flavors - my standard was to see how close I could get to the Eversmoke flavors, THAT'S how great they are!  Eversmoke flavor certainly set the bar for me.

I'll check back in soon, but as always.....
AND... Let all of the people around you know that you are doing it!  It really makes it easier when you have people who will give you encouragement and support while you are taking this difficult step.  Honestly, this was difficult at first (because the ones I started with were awful) it was only until I found the two brands that I think are excellent that this became so darn easy for me now.  I have tested out so many YUK brands so that you don't have to.  As I have stated in the past, I am doing this on my own, and am paying my way through it so I can give some decent advice to any "newbies".   I did it for myself, but then I thought others could benefit from my mishaps and non-starters along the way.


All My Best and Good Luck :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Eversmoke and V4L.... My Best Recommendations

Hi Again,

I just wanted to mention that I have not forgotten the Eversmoke brand that I have previously reviewed. There is an up side to this brand and is worth trying.

I know I haven't mentioned in a while, but I will say that I have a lot of their products and my only issue is that I bought the automatic batteries instead of the manual.  I am still thinking about buying at least 1 manual battery so I can fill it with other juices in the cartridge, because it looks more like a real cigarette and not so bulky as the Tank for  I have mentioned before that the cartridge seems to last a lot longer and if you are out for the whole day, you will only need 1 or 2 carts for backup.  You probably won't need them, but I always carry backup batteries and carts - Just In Case.....

I need to Stress getting the Manual batteries, because you have many more options.  Buy the XL batteries because they DO last longer, make sure you get the right charger for the battery you purchase, especially in the case of the V4L.  The TITAN XL is the right choice and if you can get a great deal on it - that's even better.  They have weekly specials and I also get a new promo each week through email. 

I am recommending either one of these brands as a GREAT START for you.  I have gone through so many other brands that I am pretty confident with these two.  I would suggest starting with an 11mg to start and work your way down to 0mg.  That is what I am doing now, it is easier than I thought.  I still get the same great flavor and as I work my way down... I actually FEEL better for taking care of myself in the long run.  It may take some time, but as you find YOUR brand and flavor, it definitely is worth it -- Especially if you have been a long time smoker.  The flavors are actually better than a "real" cigarette and NO GUILT - YEAH :)

I have seen the VERY FIRST COMMERCIALS for Electronic Cigarettes from and was very surprised because this was a Really Huge Issue at least a year or so ago.  I did check out the site and they do not sell Manual batteries and have only a few flavors to pick from.  I will tell you that I  have NOT tried the product and it may be excellent, but I am leery of it and the cost to try the starter kit is not MORE money I am willing to spend.  So this brand does not tempt me enough to invest more money into it.  If you have tried it and like it - Let me know, but I think that I have narrowed down my field to V4L.  They may not always get the order right, but if you call or open a ticket, they DO work with you, which I find very refreshing.  They seem to have the MOST options, flavors, batteries, etc...... to choose from.  I also believe that EVERSMOKE is a very close second.


NO MATTER WHAT ----  STAY STRONG :)   Good for You!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Vapor For Life (V4L) has a GREAT SALE


If you ever wanted to just try an electronic cigarette with a tank, I don't think you'll find a better way to start than to try out the "Titan Triple Play" sale they have online this week.  Go to the main page and click the "Weekly Specials" on the left.  You can get an XL battery, tank and juice for $30.00.  The battery itself is usually $25.00, so this would be a great way to "test run" this brand with the tanks.  If you use the tank - YOU MUST BUY THE MANUAL BATTERY!! 

I smoke menthols and like the WOW peppermint juice.  They only give you certain juices that you can pick from and as much as I like the WOW peppermint (I prefer the 11mg), my most favorite is the Nobacco Peacemaker Peppermint, it is smoother and I think it is better tasting.  The only drawback is that they only have it in the 24mg which is kind of high, but that's what I've been buying since that IS my favorite.  I also really like the Wintergreen too.  Sometimes when I am filling my tank, I will use 2-3 flavors and mix the tank up once everything is put together.

You would have to also purchase the slim charger, but they do give you FREE shipping if you purchase $50.00 or more.  Just put the code FREESHIPUS in the box that says: 
Enter Gift Certificate or Coupon Code, just under the order section.

If you decide or know already that this is your preferred way of vaping - I would suggest getting two, so you get 2 batteries instead of one.

ONE LAST NOTE:  If you get the tank home and it leaks like crazy and you wind up losing a lot of juice - you got a bad one and call right away to get a replacement.  When I got my 1st tank, I just thought I was doing something wrong, until I bought my 2nd tank and realized that it wasn't me, it was a faulty tank.  They took care of it right away, in fact any problems that I have had - they have been more than helpful to rectify anything that came up and were very nice about it in the process.

In my last blog, I left links to 2 sites showing how to fill and refill the tanks and I advise watching them to make sure you get information correctly.

Until next time........

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

This is what's UP now!!

Okay,  so the last post was about the tanks.  I have made some more conclusions. 

First when I was talking about the tanks leaking I was using the automatic batteries -
THAT'S A NO - NO, you must buy the Manual battery for that.  AND, it does take many times to "fill and re-fill" to figure it all out.  But I do think it is worth it in the long run.  I kept on trying over and over again to try to refill with the tanks, but I think I finally got the hang of it and really like them now.  Vapor for Life will give you videos to help you learn "how to's" I have watched and worked with these two for help. and

The manual battery I got from another vendor was ssoooo bad that I wasn't even willing to try again.  This is DEFINITELY worth it from Vapor for Life.  After several (and I mean many, many tries)  I think I've got it down now.  I am now using a tank with the drip tip top and MANUAL battery and am doing really great with it. 

For the moment I am using a dual coil tank, but when I spoke with a rep. from V4L, they suggested that I try the single coil because it's less taxing on the battery.  So, I just ordered them and have not tried it yet, but I will let you know once my experiment is complete.

ALSO, for those of you that don't want to be bothered with all of this new fangled stuff.  I still like V4L, but as I have stated in the past, the cartridges don't seem to last long enough, so I would have to take multiple carts if I went out for any long period of time.

The other brand that I strongly recommend is EVERSMOKE.  They don't have all of the bling and tanks and juices like V4L, but the cartomizers do seem to last longer and the MENTHOL full flavor is the best tasting that I have tried. 

Either brand and would be a great starting point.  They may be more expensive than some other brands, but as far as I am concerned - I WASTED a lot of money on alot of trials that didn't work out for me.  You can see the previous (some cheaper/some not) brands I tried that didn't measure up in my older posts.  I am very happy with my experience with these two brands and what they have to offer.  They have the better selection and TASTE and that's all that REALLY COUNTS!! 

Good Luck for now. 
I will keep you updated about the single coil vs. dual coil once I have been able to experience them.


Many Blessings,

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tanks... Not So Sure

I know I just posted about the benefits of the V4L tank.  But I am now having some BIG issues with it.  I don't know exactly what is going on - I could be doing something really wrong but I am getting a lot of leaking and every puff I take seems to be inhaling the liquid.  I will be calling and asking about this very soon.  I thought this was the end all, be all and was ready to start buying kits for my family and now I'm not so sure.  I will continue to evaluate, but for right this minute, I am going back to the brand until I get this figured out.  I really thought the end was in sight and was ready to buy more from V4L, but now I need to get to the bottom of this before I declare a final decision. 

I'll keep you posted.....

In the mean time, if you have found your "Perfect Brand", please comment on my blog to let me know if there is something else I should try.

Thank you and Good Luck - AS ALWAYS.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

New Trending... TANKS

Hi Again,

I have now bought my first tank from Vapor 4 Life ( and although it doesn't look like a regular cigarette (because of the tank), it actually does work.  I had been using one brand of electronic cigarette and refilling the cartomizers with the V4L E-Liquid, but I had to fill about 5 of them each day. 

Now, I will say that the Tank takes MUCH getting used to - especially learning exactly how to fill and use at first - I've now been using for about a week and it holds enough liquid so that all I am changing is the batteries when they go dead. They last a long time so there is enough charge time even if you only get 2 batteries.  I suggest getting more, especially if you are out and about A lot, because you may need more if you don't have anywhere to recharge while out.

The thing about this brand (as I have stated before) is the "COOL" Factor, especially if you are a girl.  They have a white battery with a jeweled LAVENDER LED and it's so cute.  I've been hearing that they are coming out with PINK, I really hope so, that would be so cute :)

I used to smoke Salem Slim Light 100's and am favoring the WOW Peppermint juice and the Nobacco Peacemaker.  I would normally buy the 11mg or the 18mg, but it appears that the Peacemaker is only available now in the 24mg.  I like the flavor of the 18, but each time you go up, I have found that the flavors do change a little.  Also, my goal is to go down in the # of mg of Nicotine instead of increasing. 

I have talked about the EVERSMOKE Menthol and they are really great tasting, but they don't sell juice, so you have to keep buying the carts.  I really like both of these brands and think that you can skip some of the "not so good" starter kits, and start with either one of these.

I would suggest CALLING and speaking with the representatives and trying to work out a deal - Also look online for any kind of discounts or coupon codes before calling.  But, if you are really serious about improving your life.  Buy a kit that has at least 2 batteries - so that you don't get frustrated when 1 loses charge and you have to wait for it to recharge.

As I have said in the past and honestly believe with all of my heart - IT WON'T MATTER THE PRICE, THE LEARNING CURVES, OR ANYTHING ELSE that might distract you from taking the first step - This will make you feel better instantly - not only health wise but even more than that - Just knowing that you are trying to make a difference in your life to get healthier for the people that you love and those who love you.  TELL THEM how you are progressing.  I know that when I tell my Mom that I only smoke a few "real" cigarettes during the week instead of a pack or more a day - The affirmation I get from her is enough to keep me going.  I am now going to start working on my son, sister and nephew and anyone else I can - LIKE YOU - to know this is one of the most POSITIVE things you can DO and CONTROL in your life and it will make you feel like a "WINNER" (sorry, that was just too hard to pass up - thanks, Charlie Sheen, for giving us a great catchphrase - going down in history!!)


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My Best Advice About Dealing with Customer Service

I wrote this in my very first blog, so I just wanted any new people reading my blogs to know these really important things:

The Representatives I have spoken with (sales and customer service) are real people doing thier jobs and when you are Friendly and Respectful - That goes a long way. I have been very fortunate with the customer service I have received so far. Even when things don't go perfectly, they seem to really WANT to work with you to make you happy. I have read many reviews about some of the same companies I have already mentioned and the reviews have not been good..especially when talking about the "horrible" customer service - but so far, I haven't had that particular problem!

5*****STARS for all of the GREAT People on the other end of that phone!! Your companies should be extremely PROUD OF YOU - because YOU make THEM look GOOD!!! So any of the companies I have mentioned and am still trying out - say "Thank YOU" to the very loyal people who tirelessly answer those phones and REPRESENT!!!!
(I just had to say that :) GREAT JOB!

I have also found out that with some of the more expensive kits, TALK to the agents who take your order. I was able to get 40% off one kit (V4L) and 20% off another (Eversmoke) when I called and let them know that I just want to TRY the cig "not marry it" just kidding (I didn't actually say those words, but you get the idea) It does really work, because if you try them and really love A Particular Brand - You WILL be loyal to thier brand for a Very long time. You can also work out lower pricing for refills and other things they have to offer. BE NICE and talk to them like a friend and that usually does the trick. Be personable and even if you call when you're really angry (like I did with one brand) I DO NOT Recommend you do that, but sometimes it just happens, make sure to apologize to the rep. you are speaking with - It's NOT thier fault that the e-cig didn't live up to your expectations.

Friday, May 25, 2012

HUMAN KINDNESS IS A GREAT THING :) I was Beginning to think It was Gone


I need to start by telling you I am a skeptic, I don't trust in people generally (especially Companies or otherwise - BIG BROTHER and all that) and I find much disappointment everywhere and very little else.

TODAY might be the beginning of a change, not a BIG one but I was honestly touched today with the amount of HUMAN KINDNESS that I have found.

I called two major companies: one to ask for a credit on my account from QVC that was 60 days past my purchase date - AND THEY CREDITED ME WITH NO QUESTION!!

Then I emailed and subsequently called customer service at EVERSMOKE regarding LOST Electronic Cigarette batteries, which I did not think they would ever cover (they usually charge to replace the batteries) no matter what.  There is a great story about this, but I will say that after explaining my situation (not even in great detail) the customer service rep. I spoke with (Big shout out to A... THANKS) she just blew my mind.  This company is extremely loyal to their customers.  They DID replace the batteries and just left me floored - It has been a very hard week or so and my brains just weren't running at even 1/2 capacity at times, which is why I lost two batteries in that very short amount of time.  She and her supervisor/s were just soooo great to me about this that I actually cried on the phone with her and thanked her for helping me with this one little issue (TO THEM), but a HUGE Issue to me.  They just gave me such a surge of the GOOD SIDE OF HUMAN NATURE, I am starting to think the world isn't as harsh as I thought.

You Made My Day


Friday, May 11, 2012

Some Final Conclusions.....

To Kim and anyone beginning to make the change to Electronic Cigarettes,


This is just a great way to help yourself and feel better about yourself with the added benefit of better health immediately and I think, no matter which brand you end up with, you WILL see monthly and YEARLY savings.   YEAH FOR US :)

I feel I must say this FIRST, no matter what they claim, none of the ones I have tried actually last as long as they say!!  Remember this as a guideline.

Kim, you specifically asked me about the REGAL CIGS.  As I have already stated, they are strong.  But, if you like to drink on occasion – this would be a good one to have around for that purpose.  Most people smoke more when they drink.  These cigs, although strong, could actually curb the desire for real cigarettes, just because they ARE stronger and “get the job done”.  I might keep these around for parties or when you know you might be drinking and don’t necessarily need the dainty “everyday” flavor you might be used to. I actually spoke to a representative today and went online to find out what offers they have now.  When I purchased the starter kit months ago, the kit was free and it cost $4.95 to ship (included battery 5 carts and charger), the cost now is $89.95 for the starter kit.  Now even to just to get 5 carts with a 25% discount is over $30.00 and they DO NOT last as long as they say.  Once Again, Just My Opinion.  They should have kept it real; maybe more people would try it. I wouldn't do it again!

I am no expert nor do I claim to know anything about any brands I have not tried.  When you read my blogs, you will be able to see what I have tried and my comments about them.  I only have my own experiences to go on.  To see what brands I have tried and my own opinions about them, you can read the blogs I have already written on  about what I thought were hits or misses.

Right now I am between two brands that I really like. They are (Vapor for Life) and (Eversmoke).  I will give you my insight to both of them and you can see what you think.

I do like both of these brands for a multitude of reasons.  I will try to breakdown what the pros and cons are of each.  I am also working on trying to get discounts for a “refer a friend” type program with both companies, so you can get a reduced rate just to try.  So, I will follow up very soon to let you in on what they each have to offer. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012


My Favorite So Far is EVERSMOKE,  my only problem is that it DOES cost more than the rest and you don't get the variety of colors with the carts and LED's that others offer.  I find myself disappointed with how long the carts last.  I usually go through 2-4 carts per day, but I WILL say they are the SMOOOTHEST brand I have found so far.  This is the brand I would recommend, but I wish they lasted longer.  I am going to try the full flavor to see if they actually last longer per day, but I am worried that the flavor won't be the same.  I will let you know after I try the full flavor.  I have also heard that they ARE planning to put more variety of flavors and batteries on the site, but do not have any confirmation of that to date.

A Very close second is Vapor 4 Life (, they do have many great deals and you can usually work with the representative on the phone when placing an order.  They have ALWAYS been very helpful to me.  The only drawback is that I have, and still am, trying the different flavors until you find the RIGHT flavor and the RIGHT strength.
Again, as I have stated before, If this information is at all helpful, please respond, by commenting on my blogs.

If there is something else that YOU HAVE found that I didn't, let me know!  I would love to know other perspectives.  I want to live long enough to see all of my children grow up.  My oldest is 25 and my youngest is 7!!!  I want to be there to walk the isle with my baby girl when she is married. That means I want to stick around a bit longer than I thought I would.
I have other family members that I want to SAVE from the misery that I've been through and if you have a suggestion - I would really like to know.

ALSO, I Know Many Others are finding online savings and if you could let me know how to get some of these advantages, I would be MOST Grateful. 
Thank you so much for anything you could suggest to me,

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

V4L Vapor For Life......

I love the look and variety of Vapor for Life or Vapor King.  I am still trying to find the right fit for me.  I have not really found my EXACT flavor... whatever, yet.  I will keep trying and I WILL let you know when I get the right thing for me, but haven't found the PERFECT blend yet.
Regal E-Cigs - If you like the regal flavor, I suggest that you buy 1 or 2 Vapor for Life V4L. batteries.
The regal battery is not all that, but if you want the FULL flavor, get the carts. from Regal and use the V4L batteries.  They work with the carts and are really cute!
Hey,  I don't know if anyone is actually reading anything I am writing or not.  If thier is anyone out there that want to hear my follow-up's, please let me know, otherwise I don't see the point of writing any type of reviews if nobody cares.  Please let me know if you want to hear more - I am very new at blogging, so I could use some feedback.


Friday, March 9, 2012


Hi,  I have been writing my comments and opinions of the different electronic cigarettes out there and when I went to go see them online, I couldn't find them, so I am writing to let you know where to look and find my blogs.  Go to to find my findings so far.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

"Hard Core"

Just one quick comment, I NEVER considered myself a "hard core" smoker.  But there definately IS a "break in" period with these new electronic cigarette systems and each one is different and also have some similarities.  Like buying New Shoes....You need to find out your strength (mg), your taste (flavor) and your size (battery strength and longivity) and even your stlye (Like the bejeweled batteries (my personal favorite) but you need to find your "TRUE FIT" for yourself - with or without all the Bells and Whistles.  There DEFINATELY IS a learning curve and I am doing the work for you. 

Are there any brands that I am overlooking or a particular brand you are looking at that you think I should try?  Am I missing anything in the information that I am giving you?  Please let me know - I am funding this query on my own, if I lose money trying something - it's not play money - I really lose.  So, if there is something of substance that you think I should evaulate - Let me know.  But I am not going on fishing expeditions for every single brand out there.  If you have any comments or advise, please let me know.

THANK YOU and please don't be shy to leave a comment :)

2nd Recommendation - EVERSMOKE (Not Regalcigs)

Hi again.
The regalcigs EVERSMOKE are good if you are not a "hard core" smoker.  They send one battery and I would suggest that if you want to try these out, get the least expensive starter kit and go from there.  The battery does last alot longer (need to recharge once a day) unlike the e-cigsbrand (need to recharge every couple hours), but, I find myself still wanting more.  I did order the peppermint flavor and might change my mind, but I am using at least 2 cartridges daily.  The menthol is good and I am anxious to try the peppermint.  If you are a light smoker, this might work for you - but remember to cancel if you don't like them, because they are on an auto-ship as well!

1st Recommendation for VERY LIGHT Smokers

So this is my first recommendation.  If you smoke ultra lights and like menthol or even regulars and you don't smoke on a daily basis, the e-cigsbrand would probably be a really good fit.  They are definately not strong and have a light menthol/regular flavor.  It is not my personal favorite, just because it's not enough for me.  But if you are the light smoker and just need a small hit here and there, this is very inexpensive to try $4.95 and use.  It's good for the social smoker who just wants to eliminate the tar and other nasty stuff in a regular cigarette.

Just remember this is one of the brands that you need to cancel within 14 days (I would do it sooner if you know right off that it's not a good fit) if you don't like it or they will keep sending more since they already have your credit card number.  But, if you like it - you might be very pleasantly surprised:)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Electronic Cigarettes Continued....

Okay, so I got the VAPOR FOR LIFE (V4L) in the 18mg (WOW Menthol Sampler Kit) They send TWO slim batteries in the starter kit, every other one that I've tried only sent 1 battery, This is important to me because I can smoke with one and always have the 2nd one charged up.   I REALLY WANTED THESE TO BE IT!!!.  They are slim, have the blue led light and cool colors (batteries and cartridges) and the battery keeps a great charge - lasts a long time, but the flavor just seems to go away to fast.  There are other options that I am going to try because they have really good flavors like PEPPERMINT (Awesome Flavor).  They also have different TYPES of cartomizers. The first one is the (WOW Cartridge) they describe it as a warmer burning and more intense flavor (which is what I got) and the other is a Cooler Burn (these are called COOL CART) - Not as intense or hot burn and sounds like it might last longer.  I did call and discuss these issues with a representative and she guided me through what might be better for me.  First, I would definately need to lower the nicotine level, so she is going to send the 11mg for me to try.  Also, I switched to the Cool Cart instead of the WOW cartridge.  They didn't have the peppermint in the 11mg and do not sell it in the Cool Cart, so she also suggested that I buy the Peppermint juice at 11mg and refill the Cool Carts that are being sent to me.  So, for now, I will wait for the new carts and try the 11mg strength COOL CART in the Smilin Special (that was my second favorite of the Sampler Kit) and, I think, a special blend that the owner made, and see where it goes from there.

I did also get the EVERSMOKE 12mg in the Menthol.  The Coolest Looking Battery yet, its black AND has a "diamond cut" look at the end where it lights up, it's an orange color (I really loved the blue like in the V4L) but this was a starter kit so they may have some other options that I haven't seen yet.  These are good, but with all of these TRIALS, I really haven't been able to evaluate this one properly yet.

As far as the REGALCIGS, I did get the Low nicotine - 8mg and am just now trying these out as well.  This does taste better than the 14mg because they are not as strong and I hope the flavor and battery last a good long time as well.

I will be following up soon, so until then - Happy Hunting....

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Opinions about Electronic Cigarettes

I recently had a scare with my health, which promted me to begin changing some things in my life and #1 was to quit smoking.  I began looking into the Electronic Cigarette World.

These are my own opinions just from my own experiences.  I used to smoke Salem Slim (Lights) 100's and smoked about a pack or more a day.  BUT I WILL SAY RIGHT OUT OF THE BOX!!  NO MATTER WHAT YOU TRY, It WILL be cheaper and much better for your health in the long run than smoking any "real" cigarettes!  I still smoke 1 or 2 real ones a day for now, but that is a dramatic change in a very little time!

PLEASE.... read ALL of the TIPS and WARNINGS, so you don't make some of the mistakes I have and can just skip over some of the brands I've tried.  I know this is long and extensive, but I hope it will help you with YOUR search for "THE PERFECT" E-Cigarette!

So, I will begin....

     The first thing I tried was SmokeAssist- What A Crock!  The only thing I DID like about them was the slim cigarette.  I bought thier starter kit (can't even remember pricing) which was a 3 pc set, battery/cartridge/atomizer and was VERY dissapointed.  They boasted about how long they last - NOT FOR ME AT ALL!  I went through them so fast.  I think I used about 3-4 new cartridges a day, which was not cost effective and was aggravating.  The worst thing was that I felt like I might as well have just pulled out a straw, cut it in half, and puffed on that!!  I even let my sister try and she was confused as to whether this was a cigarette replacement or just a  replacement for an inhaler??  I will say that they do have GREAT customer service and always tried to accommodate me, even though the final result was a resounding NOT FOR ME:(

     The next thing I tried was the E-Cigsbrand, now these were okay in the beginning, but I do currently order 4 TIMES the amount of cartomizers then they say I would normally use.  It only cost $4.95 for the shipping for the STARTER KIT.  This brand is just the 2 pcs. which is the battery and the cartomizer (that is the cartridge and atomizer) ALL in One, and, by the way this IS my preference.  It comes with Tabacco flavor only, so I had to call and have them send me Menthol and I had to wait for that.  I did have to call several times to get everything straightened out to get what I needed in the beginning.  The highest nicotine cig is only 10mg. I've been using them for a few months and am just not quite satisfied with how quickly I am going through them (about 2 per day, sometimes 3) and the fact that I had to buy extra batteries because they have a very limited life span before having to re-charge over and over and over again and again all day long.
     I would say these may be good for getting your feet wet in the e-cig world because they're not too strong and do have a pretty good draw and nice vapor.  And YES, they also have great customer service.  I normally call instead of emailing and they are very helpful and very willing to work with the customer.  I will say that when they were supposed to send some things in the very beginning, I just didn't get them or they were very slow coming. But, now with the auto shipments, they send the quantity I want and set up which day of the month I want them shipped and even send an email to inform me as soon as they ship my package.

MODERN VAPOR:  NO! NO! NO! On ALL Levels (Just my opinion)
     I paid $45.90 for this starter kit called the Sideshow and switched things up a bit.  I ordered the manual battery, which is "supposed" to be better.  They say that it will give you a bigger hit and will make the battery last longer.  I didn't realize it, but this was the 3 pc thing again.  I also ordered 16mg of Menthol.  Again as with the previous brand, they automatically send the regular tabacco and you have to call and get the menthols sent out, etc....   But as sooon as I tried them, THEY WERE AWFUL!  First, the Flavor was terrible and then this "manual" battery was a JOKE.  It didn't work right - right from the beginning.  I wound up calling customer service and the rep. was extremely patient with me, because by this time - I was furious!  She did give me some pointers about how to get the cig going and it seemed to work (while I was on the phone).  The next time I tried to get a drag off the cigarette, it was back to heating up, but nothing really happening.
     IF THAT wasn't enough, I emailed AND filled out the online form to send them back and got NO response.  Luckily, the rep. that I spoke with previously gave me her info. to contact her directly.  I emailed her and attached the other emails that I had already sent requesting to return the kit.  She directed me to go ahead and send them back.  

BUT BE CAREFUL!!!!!  IF YOU ARE GOING TO SPEND ANY REAL MONEY TO ORDER THIS TRIAL KITS - THIS COMPANY CHARGES A RESTOCKING FEE AND ALSO WON'T REIMBURSE FOR THE CARTRIGES AND MORE.  I did ask them to waive the fees and also asked for my shipping back, but I'm NOT holding my breath to get a full refund!!

THE E-CIGS BRAND is looking better all of the time, but I am still on the quest for the PERFECT cigarette for me, So I continue...

     Now these are very similar to the e-cigsbrand in that I only paid the $4.95 to get them home.  But they also send tabacco flavor and I had to call back to get the Menthol and I did order the 16mg cigarette.  The refills are expensive, but they do last at least a whole day or longer.  I did have an issue with the taste initially as it was very strong, but not the terribe taste like the Modern Vapor.  I called again and they were very willing to let me try the next step down, but it's a BIG one, they are ONLY 8mg.  I sent back the cartomizers that I didn't use and they are sending me the 8mg to try.  I AM crossing my fingers on these.

BUT IN THE MEAN TIME, I have ordered several other brands to try out.  If you speak with the representatives, they will work with you to advise you on what strength and flavors and even the best package for a "trial run", but You HAVE to ASK and take the time to tell them what they need to know, so they can help you try to get it right the 1st time. 

The Representatives I have spoken with (sales and customer service) are real people doing thier jobs and when you are Friendly and Respectful - That goes a long way.  I have been very fortunate with the customer service I have received so far.  Even when things don't go perfectly, they seem to really WANT to work with you to make you happy.  I have read many reviews about some of the same companies I have already mentioned and the reviews have not been good..especially when talking about the "horrible" customer service - but so far, I haven't had that particular problem!

5*****STARS for all of the GREAT People on the other end of that phone!!  Your companies should be extremely PROUD OF YOU - because YOU make THEM look GOOD!!! So any of the companies I have mentioned and am still trying out - say "Thank YOU" to the very loyal people who tirelessly answer those phones and REPRESENT!!!!
(I just had to say that :)  GREAT JOB!

I have also found out that with some of the more expensive kits, TALK to the agents who take your order.  I was able to get 40% off one kit (V4L) and 20% off another (Eversmoke) when I called and let them know that I just want to TRY the cig "not marry it" just kidding (I didn't actually say those words, but you get the idea) It does really work, because if you try them and really love A Particular Brand - You WILL be loyal to thier brand for a Very long time.  You can also work out lower pricing for refills and other things they have to offer.  BE NICE and talk to them like a friend and that usually does the trick. Be personable and even if you call when you're really angry (like I did and I DO NOT Recommend you do that, but sometimes it just happens), make sure to apologize to the rep. you are speaking with - It's NOT thier fault that the e-cig didn't live up to your expectations.

OH, ONE MORE THING - Pay Attention to the "contract" / TERMS you agree to.  When you order the $5.00 kits, they normally put you on an "AUTO Shipment".  This means that If you don't call within 10 days or so, they will automatically send you additional refills and charge your credit card automatically!!!  PUT DATES ON YOUR CALENDAR TO MAKE SURE YOU CALL BACK AND CANCEL or you continue to get shipments.  Like I said before, even if you DO want the refills, more batteries, etc.., CALL them to negotiate a better price - usually, if you buy several packs of refills at a time, they will give you a better price.  Basically, the more you buy the more you save, at least with the companies I have dealt with so far.

I have placed orders with V4L (Vapor for Life) - that was a $50.00 starter kit and I wound up getting it for $30.00 (and they didn't charge for shipping).  The other brand I am going to try is called EVERSMOKE - this is a $60.00 kit and I am supposed to get 20% off.  I did get a confirmation email for V4L.  I was supposed to get one today for Eversmoke, but still haven't gotten the email confirmation yet with the final pricing and order information (this feels a little shaky already). 

I will continue to update you on my journey to find the PERFECT Electronic Cigarette.

Thanks for Now and Good Luck out there.  If you read this and have found your perfect e-cig, Please LET ME KNOW!! I would like to hear some great feedback!