Hi Again,
I have now bought my first tank from Vapor 4 Life (V4L.com) and although it doesn't look like a regular cigarette (because of the tank), it actually does work. I had been using one brand of electronic cigarette and refilling the cartomizers with the V4L E-Liquid, but I had to fill about 5 of them each day.
Now, I will say that the Tank takes MUCH getting used to - especially learning exactly how to fill and use at first - I've now been using for about a week and it holds enough liquid so that all I am changing is the batteries when they go dead. They last a long time so there is enough charge time even if you only get 2 batteries. I suggest getting more, especially if you are out and about A lot, because you may need more if you don't have anywhere to recharge while out.
The thing about this brand (as I have stated before) is the "COOL" Factor, especially if you are a girl. They have a white battery with a jeweled LAVENDER LED and it's so cute. I've been hearing that they are coming out with PINK, I really hope so, that would be so cute :)
I used to smoke Salem Slim Light 100's and am favoring the WOW Peppermint juice and the Nobacco Peacemaker. I would normally buy the 11mg or the 18mg, but it appears that the Peacemaker is only available now in the 24mg. I like the flavor of the 18, but each time you go up, I have found that the flavors do change a little. Also, my goal is to go down in the # of mg of Nicotine instead of increasing.
I have talked about the EVERSMOKE Menthol and they are really great tasting, but they don't sell juice, so you have to keep buying the carts. I really like both of these brands and think that you can skip some of the "not so good" starter kits, and start with either one of these.
I would suggest CALLING and speaking with the representatives and trying to work out a deal - Also look online for any kind of discounts or coupon codes before calling. But, if you are really serious about improving your life. Buy a kit that has at least 2 batteries - so that you don't get frustrated when 1 loses charge and you have to wait for it to recharge.
As I have said in the past and honestly believe with all of my heart - IT WON'T MATTER THE PRICE, THE LEARNING CURVES, OR ANYTHING ELSE that might distract you from taking the first step - This will make you feel better instantly - not only health wise but even more than that - Just knowing that you are trying to make a difference in your life to get healthier for the people that you love and those who love you. TELL THEM how you are progressing. I know that when I tell my Mom that I only smoke a few "real" cigarettes during the week instead of a pack or more a day - The affirmation I get from her is enough to keep me going. I am now going to start working on my son, sister and nephew and anyone else I can - LIKE YOU - to know this is one of the most POSITIVE things you can DO and CONTROL in your life and it will make you feel like a "WINNER" (sorry, that was just too hard to pass up - thanks, Charlie Sheen, for giving us a great catchphrase - going down in history!!)
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