Ok, I got my new Zeus Battery from Vapor4Life and all is well in the world again..... UNTIL...
As I mentioned in my last blog, I DO have more interests. I have allot going on in my life right now and school hasn't even started yet. I have a young one that I have to get ready to go back to school and I am just about going crazy trying to get everything ready - but then again, I almost can't wait to have solid blocks of time each day that are all for me. I know that sounds insanely selfish, but I do need some time that is just mine alone. I will be busy for the next couple of weeks and then I get some free time and THEN
(dum dum dum.......) The resounding words I hate just as much as my child ---- Can you help me with my - NO, don't say it, PLEASE - I beg of you...... Don't say it!!! Mom I need help with my
(OH, No, Here it comes) ........................
MY Life is Over!!!!!!
Year after year, my child gets smarter and I think I am getting dumber!~
But year after year, somehow we get through it. I really believe that teachers are the most underpaid people in the world. I don't think I could ever do it. Especially these days - they cram as many kids in the classroom and try to teach 30 individual people the same lesson plan. I have to say, I give props to the teachers and helpers and especially the Guidance Counselor/s who day after day keep going back in there, knowing all of the individuals they must not only deal with, but have patience and understanding and still try to get some knowledge into their heads - That is mind blowing to me, Again - More power to 'em, they are much better people than me. And that's a Fact, Jack!
Always wishing you Health and Wealth,
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