Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Chalk this one up to BAD TIMING or JUST MY LUCK!

Vapor 4 Life ZEUS...

Several days ago I wrote a blog stating how much I really like the Vapor Zeus and how it only had one battery.  I suggested that I would like to have a second for emergencies, but that I was pleased with what I had and didn't need the second battery.  A day or two after I posted that blog, I'll bet you can guess what happened......
The battery stopped working - It JUST STOPPED!

Imagine how ironic...

The good news:  I did call Vapor 4 Life and they said the battery was covered and would send another one. I would have to return the dead one at my cost (not so fair) but a small price to pay to get back to my great vaping back.

I also found out they now have new colors and battery sizes, you can check them out on Vapor4Life.com

In the mean time....
I had been talking with someone earlier that week about a new store that had opened up where I live called NettMix Custom Vapes.  I went there and bought a very nice set (2) batteries and all of the goodies to go with them.  I got really pretty pink (eGo) batteries and everything to match which cost me over $100.00 and that was still a good price for what I got.  But within a day or two I realized they just weren't as good as my Zeus product.  This system is still a good one for anyone else who hasn't tried the Zeus and I would definitely recommend this particular system for a serious connoisseur of electronic cigarettes and it IS more cost effective and almost as good as the Zeus.  They do offer many flavors and different sizes of juice so you can try them out for only a few dollars each.  Another really COOL thing about them is that they mix the juice on site - so you know you are getting the freshest juice out there.  They are also on the web at Nettmixcustomvapes.com, you can visit the store and also make purchases.  I would ask that if you do purchase any items that you reference me dsdshome or by name and I will get a small credit toward my future purchases. When you give them your information, anyone you recommend who purchases from them and they mention your name, will get you credit for each of their purchases.

So now I have both kits and will keep the NettMix electronic cigarettes for back up or if I go somewhere special and just want a really cute e-cig for the day or night.

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